Cercle Europe et
Alimentation durable

The Cercle Europe et Alimentation durable is a forum for debate and reflection. Its ambition is to connect the entire value chain of the French agri-food industry with the European ecosystem. Its aim is to share ideas, foster confidential exchanges with European decision-makers and provide information on the regulatory frameworks being drawn up in Brussels.

Created in 2022, the Cercle Europe et Alimentation durable addresses the European issues at the heart of the activity of players in the agri-food sector, by bringing together legal departments, public affairs managers and general management. These issues include the Green Deal, consumer protection policy, international trade and the challenges of the digital transition, with the aim of sharing visions and recommendations on major social issues with decision-makers.

The Cercle Europe et Alimentation durable offers its members weekly alerts on European issues covering the different sectors concerned and a monthly lunch with a decision-maker in Paris.

The Cercle was created by Natacha Clarac, its president.

Cercle Europe et Alimentation durable

Contact us for more information

Natacha Clarac
Natacha Clarac
+32 2 280 39 94