Cercle des
Réseaux européens
The Cercle des Réseaux européens brings together companies and professional federations for exchanges on regulatory and political issues impacting the European networks. It brings together the energy, transport, water, environment, telecommunications and postal sectors in a cross-cutting approach. These sectors share a common reality, i.e. the existence of an infrastructure network and a convergent vision through the achievement of missions of general economic interest.
This “cercle” aims at sharing thoughts, fostering confidential exchanges with European decision-makers and informing on the regulatory frameworks that are taking shape in Brussels.
Its members receive weekly alerts on European issues covering the various sectors concerned and participate to a monthly lunch with a decision-maker, held in Paris or in Brussels.
The Cercle was created by Stéphane Desselas, Honorary President, and is currently chaired by Natacha Clarac.